"For All We Shared..."
The platform - Illustration for a Sci-Fi book, written by José Ignacio Mendes.
The dino - Illustration for a Sci-Fi book, written by José Ignacio Mendes.
The view - Illustration for a Sci-Fi book, written by José Ignacio Mendes.
The gamer - Illustration for a Sci-Fi book, written by José Ignacio Mendes.
Deep Dive
Album cover
Vero magazine
Vero magazine
Wayne & Miles
Album cover
Book cover illustration
Inside illustration for Orwell's "1984". Editora LeYa
Inside illustration for Orwell's "1984". Editora LeYa
Inside illustration for Orwell's "1984". Editora LeYa
Macmais magazine
Espresso magazine
In a Hoth mood
Macmais magazine
Macmais magazine
Macmais magazine
Macmais magazine
Espresso magazine
Espresso magazine
Espresso magazine
Idec magazine cover
Superinteressante magazine
Unesp Ciência magazine cover
Superinteressante magazine
Superinteressante magazine
Superinteressante magazine
Superinteressante magazine
Album cover for Freakenstein
Illustration developed for PS10, advertising agency. Ink and Photoshop
Brazil. Label illustration for Saint Bier
Germany. Label illustration for Saint Bier
England. Label illustration for Saint Bier
Belgium. Label illustrations for Saint Bier
Label illustrations for Saint Bier